Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Purple Chicken Huh?

One would likely stumble upon this, and wonder what is a purple chicken anyway? It is not an opiate induced title. This describes my motherhood. It describes it perfectly.

It was screamed to me by my oldest son Caleb, at the time only three years old. "I want to ride the purple chicken."  Caleb repeated it over and over, I was clueless. What purple chicken? Has he lost hs mind?  I will never forget the day he wailed that saying repeatedly; and then ran across a shopping center parking lot cars and carts in his way. I was carrying his very young sister at the time, and as I carried this newborn... I did not just run after him . I hauled my tail after him, it was all a blur.... seconds later he ended up on a coin operated ride on purple dinosaur outside of a K-Mart. Smiling he said innocently, "I ride the purple chicken." Minutes ago, I had no idea what he was talking about or just how crazy things could get, but through what I look back on as a "life or death" situation chasing down my 3 year old, I definitely did learn. Each day is a learning experience no matter how seasoned or experienced.

That's it, that's my motherhood in a nutshell. The things I don't understand, soon by some crazy experience that I am thrust into..... I then understand it perfectly and become better from it. 

Now, why am I writing? Many people I have met tell me all the time, you should start a blog. I guess in fear of being "average" and your normal "mommy" blog I stayed away.  Not to mention if I blog, all my stories I want to write in a book will already be out the bag!
Why write? You are a 6th grade English Teacher, tutor, mother of 3, girlfriend, graduate school student,  karate/cheerleading/soccer mom, housekeeper, and slave. Slave sums it up.. slave to every endeavor I have. So now I can add blogger to this list. I enjoy it.

 Writing to me is a release. Sadly, I have been a horrible fiction writer, and that's my goal to write fiction stories. So I hope to throw myself into this without sounding too "trite" in my words and experiences. I live a pretty extraordinary life, I don't say that and speak of what I have. I speak to what I am fortunate to experience..... we will get into that. After all, this blog is titled to focus on me riding the purple chicken. That purple chicken is a metaphor for life's experiences.